Thursday, February 19, 2015

Blog #16: Answer 2

1. What is your EQ?
What is the best way a Judoka can use Judo on and off the mat?
2. What is your first answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
A Judoka will be able to use any and all principles of Judo and training in a tournament, as well as outside of the dojo.
3. What is your second answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
A Judoka can use lessons and skills learned inside of the dojo to communicate and network with people outside of the dojo as well as being able to utilize skills of people inside and outside the dojo.
4. List three reasons your answer is true with a real-world application for each.
My question is asking about how Judo can be used in the "REAL WORLD".
5. What printed source best supports your answer?
my interviews as well as a presentation that my sensei had showed me that he did.
6. What other source supports your answer?
Certain websites and blogs that are individual and tell a story of a Judoka that really has used Judo inside and outside of the dojo.
7. Tie this together with a concluding thought.
My first two ancwers to my EQ; ability to use principles of the tournament inside and outside of the dojo as well as skills learned inside the dojo, utilizing them by being able to network outside the dojo. These two answers have brought very different aspects of Judo together being able to use them outside the dojo. My interviews and many of my research shows clues of working with Judo inside and outside the dojo.

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