Friday, February 6, 2015

Independed Component 1


(a)I, Inez Torres, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 45 hours of work.

(b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component.
Clinic Held at Ogdens Judo school, by Sensei Gary Goltz and other skilled referees.

(c) Update your hours in your Senior Project Hours link. Make sure it is clearly labeled with hours for individual sessions as well as total hours.

(d) I have completed my referee certification. Though I have been a referee for a year now I have finally been able to go through the class and take the test to become one. I was required to learn the rules to a fine detail and be able to interpret them during a match, properly being able to referee a match.


The initial clinic was an all day thing. Starting in the early morning and ending in the afternoon. Jovanny was explaining each of the rules and the use of them, while head referee Dan Takamoto and president of the USJA Gary Goltz pitched in their experiences and how they have seen the rules being used.

This demonstrates the time I took out to go to individual clubs to recruit players for the Winter Nationals. During Winter nationals, truly an all day event I was tasked to be a referee, being compared to the national referees being tested.

The component helped me understand the way each competitor is "suppose" to play in Judo. There is truly a difference between learning tournament Judo and Judo in the dojo. Becoming a referee allows me to understand those points a little more and use these to my advantage. Visiting different dojos I was able to see how each of them prepare for Winter nationals, working in "tournament Judo". I was also able use the rules I learned while in the referee clinic to train by in preparation for the tournament.

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